Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chilli Cheese TOAST

Here's your chance to have a hot and crispy breakfast with Barcode's Chilli

Chilli Cheese Toast.

Chilli Cheese Toast. (Pic courtesy: Barcode)

Cheese Toast.

Bread slices - 12
Cheese cubes - 3
Pasteurised butter - 100 gms
Green chillies - 3
Salt - Little
Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp
Chopped coriander leaves - 1 tbsp

1. Apply little butter to bread slices.
2. Chop green chillies into thin round pieces.
3. Grate cheese using a fine cheese grater.
4. Mix all the other ingredients together, for filling except bread.
5. Keep little of the filling in between two slices of bread.
6. Press and toast using a sandwich toaster. (Both sides till brown)
7. Serve with ketchup or mint chutney.

Variation :
Little worcestershire sauce can be sprinkled to the filling when mixing together.

(Recipe courtesy: Barcode)



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