Monday, July 16, 2007

Vegetarian Gourmet----Meatless Makeovers

size=4>Vegetarian Gourmet----Meatless Makeovers
by: color=#fb7014 size=3>Cathy O
Three years ago I decided to go
"meatless." It wasn't a difficult decision as I wasn't a voracious carnivore to
begin with, however there were a few dishes that I missed that contained meat
and wondered how I was going to live without these favorites.

than resign myself to the notion that these dishes could never be converted over
to a meatless status, I decided to pull myself up by my vegetarian bootstrings
(cotton, of course), and see if I could find a way to convert these meat-ies to

The first was my Grammy's recipe for American Chop Suey,
actually, almost everyone's Grammy made this or some variation of it. I tried
different ways but this one comes the closest:
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